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The DARE Study Publications - Under Review



MacKinnon, K.R., Khan, N., Newman, K. Marshall, G., Gould, W.A., Salway, T., Pullen Sansfacon, A., Kia, H., & Lam, J. H. S. (in revision). Sampling with Sisyphus: Introducing a community-driven study designed to reach hidden sexual and gender minority populations with experiences of gender detransition. Journal of Medical Internet Research. Pre-print:



MacKinnon, K.R., Khan, N., Newman, K. Exposito-Campos, P., Marshall, G, Gould, W.A., Pullen Sansfacon, A., Rackliff, K., Lam, J.H.S. (under review). Gender fluidity and detransition: Results of a cross-sectional online survey of sexual and gender minorities living in the US and Canada.



MacKinnon, K.R., Khan, N., Newman, K. Exposito-Campos, P., Gould, W.A., Pullen

Sansfacon, A., Mason, S.*, , Lam, J.H.S. (under review). Something old, something new, something  borrowed, something blue: A latent class analysis of interrupted gender transitions and detransitions.





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